Friday, November 9, 2012

Andy Warhol

You probably already know this artist, but I am still going to tell you about him. So, ladies and gentlemen: Andy Warhol. He was an American artist who was a leader of the pop art movement. His works explore the relationship between artistic expression, celebrity culture and advertisement. He was born on August 6, 1928 and died on February 22, 1987.

Andy Warhol is a really important artist. Even as a young boy, Warhol liked to draw, color, and cut and paste pictures. His mother, who was also artistic, would encourage him by giving him a chocolate bar every time he finished a page in his coloring book. During high school, Warhol took art classes both at school and at the Carnegie Museum.

Warhol discovered the blotted-line technique during college. The technique required Warhol to tape two pieces of blank paper together and then draw in ink on one page. Before the ink dried, he would press the two pieces of paper together. The result was a picture with irregular lines that he would color in with watercolor.

Around 1960, Warhol had decided to make a name for himself in pop art. Pop art was a new style of art that began in England in the mid-1950s and consisted of realistic renditions of popular, everyday items. Warhol turned away from the blotted-line technique and chose to use paint and canvas but at first he had some trouble deciding what to paint.

However, I can’t say that I really like his works. I didn’t learn anything new from them, though I like his works as pictures. I don’t like them as much as other artist because I think that he doesn’t have a lot of ideas in his works, and sometimes he doesn’t have any meaning at all.

For example, take the picture with Marilyn Monroe. It is just a beautiful picture without any ideas on it. But the Campbell’s tomato soup can has a meaning. “He drew the real Campbell’s can that produced in America by Campbell Soup Company. The company was started in 1869 by Joseph A. Campbell. Campbell Soup became one of the largest food companies in the world under the leadership of William Beverly Murphy. Today, Campbell’s Soup Company, with its famous red and white label, remains a basic in the kitchen as well as American culture.” So, maybe Andy Warhol just wanted to show the part of the American culture by this can..

Write me in the comments your opinion about Andy Warhol and his works.
Here you can buy some posters and look at his works.

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