Thursday, November 15, 2012


Banksy is an England-based graffiti artist, political activist, film director, and painter. He was born in Bristol. His art is clearly the work of a passionate individual. He has affected the art world from Australia to the US and nearly everywhere in between. 

He is a really good street artist. I really like his works. I couldn’t find a lot of information, though, because he is secretive. We actually don’t even know his real name, but we can find his works on the streets which are really good! He usually has idea or many ideas in his Art. He is really good at drawing shadows. So, the pictures look realistic.

Let’s discuss the picture called “Grey ghost”. You can see a boy that is drawing beautiful flowers and a man with face in a shadow that is painting the
  flowers in a grey color. I chose this picture not just because of the idea, but because of the shadows and realistic way of drawing (the picture looks real). It is really hard to draw shadows in a way that picture looks realistic. However, he does a terrific job.

This picture recalls the Soviet Union to me, and a time when people couldn’t stand out. The government (ghost) destroyed everything and everyone who wanted to stand out or who already did. Of course, that is just my interpretation.

What do u think about his works or about Banksy in general? Have you already heard about him? Write in the comments everything that you want to share with us. :D

Banksy’s facebook page.

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